Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Olympics symbol : Kids

 These are the designs that I came up with for children's olympics. I thought that the designs should be simple and to the point, also the original logo shouldn't loose it's value or charm, because the main association here is with the olympic games.

The first image is the original design along with balloon ends, to make the rings look like symbolic balloons. Why balloons? Well, kids love balloons. Also, the first mental picture that most people have when they see a balloon is of a kid, or sometimes the memory of being a kid, hence I chose to develop this design.

The second image popped up in my brain, after some experimentation. It's the olympic rings made out of candy or lollipops. At first I was not going to make the lollipops look like rings, instead, I was going to spare them their original form, but because the rings are the olympics symbol, and I think some sort of authenticity should be maintained,  I stuck with the rings.

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