Wednesday 2 November 2011


"Aristotle said there are basically only three ways to bring someone around to your way of thinking. You can do it by appealing to his logic. You can do it by appealing to his emotions. Or, you can do it through a presenter who is trustworthy, authoritative or charismatic. Three main routes. That's all. I can't think of a single good ad, good or bad, that has ever found another path to reach its audience." ( An Inconvenient Truth For Copywriters: How to write headlines and why your career depends on it. 
"That wasn't chicken."
  This is an excellent article and not only for copywriters, for everyone who wants to influence people by what they think and know and say and LIE ABOUT. :) While reading this article, I was aware of the sad write-ups we see these days and the brilliant ones that we don't. I am sorry to have posted so many pictures with this post but each one of them is SO good. I wouldn't mind posters of these in my room. They'd crack me up all the time, yet all we see it- "Loreal- cause you're worth it." :O I do understand that most advertising is only effective when repeatedly exposed to the viewer, but some people have got to take that a little less seriously. We don't get to hypnotise people, it doesn't work like that!!!

The tequila ad, is so very simple, yet I think everyone can relate to it without thinking twice. Most of these ad's for that matter aren't pertentious or desperate, or even offensive, but they work. 

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